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Recovery from Jet Lag: What is the best way to achieve it?

  • Posted on August 19, 2022
Recovery from Jet Lag: What is the best way to achieve it?

Jet lag, commonly known as a jet lag disorder, is a kind of sleeping difficulty that primarily concerns people who travel frequently across different time zones. Are you a frequent traveler who is quite worried about how to recover from jet lag after coming home, for instance, from Canada to India flights after a long haul? Long-haul flights are quite tiresome, though it affects some people more than others. Jet lag is a temporary disorder rather than just a travel tale. This time-bound situation can immensely affect your sleeping schedule resulting in sleepless nights and lazy daytime. Jet lag is a real concern, yet it is normal and can be healed within 1 or 2 days.

Here, in this article, we have adhered to what jet lag is and how you can overcome it.

Jet lag: what it is?

Jet lag: what it is
Jet lag is a typical, transient sleep issue that can affect anyone making a fast trip, especially with last minute flights across several time zones without getting enough rest or taking any safety precautions. This problem is referred to as desynchronosis in medical parlance. It indicates that the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, is out of whack. Even if your body believes it is still in one time zone, it is actually in another. Getting used to the new surroundings and time zone takes some time. It becomes confused and worn out as a result.

The common symptoms of Jet lag are:

  • Headaches
  • Sleeplessness
  • Fatigue
  • Lacking firmness or steadiness
  • Inattentiveness
  • Nausea
  • Lack of moisture, etc

What is the span of jet lag?

What is the span of jet lag
Unless you have certain medical conditions or are extremely sensitive, you might not experience as much jet lag when traveling domestically. However, traveling from  Canada to India flights or the other way around will undoubtedly result in jet lag. Additionally, the length of jet lag is influenced by a number of variables, including the distance traveled, the particular movements of your body, and general health. The majority of travelers who have jet lag feel better 1–2 days after arriving at their destination. However, sometimes it can take up to a week to feel as good as previously.

Why Do We Get Jet Lag?

Why Do We Get Jet Lag
There are many causes of jet lag, but they all truly have to do with your physiology, how your body responds to the environment and what happens to it when you’re in the air with the best deals on flight tickets. Because your body actually travels much more quickly than your mind and circadian rhythms can adjust to the time difference, flying makes jet lag worse. Let’s examine the factors that contribute to jet lag: spending a lot of time stationery on a plane, pressure, and the height of the plane. Dehydration is brought on by the hot cabin conditions and little humidity.

How to cure jet lag: A guide

The major modern issue of jet lag can have an impact on both your health and your daily routine. Therefore, understanding how to deal with it without using sleeping medications might be worthwhile. Here are some quick strategies to beat jet lag as soon as possible:

  • Obtain Sunlight During the Day

One of the simplest and most effective ways to reset your circadian rhythm is to get sunshine in the afternoon. That’s because the duration and timing of daylight have an effect on our body or internal clock. Step outside and take up some sunlight. You’ll definitely feel better.

  • Workout Daily

Workout Daily
The best way to soak up morning or evening light is to exercise. By doing so, you will be able to adapt your body and sleep according to the new time zone. Resetting your internal clock can also be accomplished by exercising in the late morning or afternoon. By making these adjustments in your routine or schedule, you will be able to adapt to time zone gaps more easily.

  • Adjust your sleeping and eating schedule to the new time zone.

Adjust your sleeping and eating schedule to the new time zone
Your eating and sleeping schedules should be adjusted to the new time zone. As soon as you start to feel sleepy, try to resist the urge. Change your bedtimes to correspond with your current time zone, not the one you were previously staying in. Change the times of your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in a similar manner, and create a new diet regimen based on your new time zone. For instance, if you’re flying from Canada to India flights, make an effort to put off going to bed until later.

  • Stay Moisturised by Consuming Lots of Water

Stay Moisturised by Consuming Lots of Water
Your jet lag may become worse if you become dehydrated. The air in the airplane’s interior is incredibly dry. The low humidity and high altitude are primarily to blame. The air filtering systems in airplanes frequently don’t allow for the same levels of humidity that our bodies are accustomed to on the ground. Dry skin and eyes, lethargy, severe headaches, and dizziness can all result from this dehydration. By purchasing a water bottle at the airport or requesting a flight attendant to bring one for you while you’re in the air, you may avoid these issues. Moreover, continue to sip water even after arriving home.

  • Drink coffee following your flight.

Drink coffee following your flight.
Drinking a caffeinated beverage in the morning will offer you the much-needed boost you need to combat midday fatigue if you are feeling lethargic. On the first day in a new time zone, it can be very difficult to acclimatize, especially if your sleep schedule is completely out of sync usually due to last minute flights. For this reason, consuming coffee in the morning for a few days will prevent you from falling asleep in the middle of the day. Please make sure you don’t consume coffee right before night. Additionally, avoid drinking caffeine while you are flying because it will make your jet lag worse.

  • Change your bedtime a few days before the flight.

Change your bedtime a few days before the flight.
Try to move your bedtime each night by about 30 to 45 minutes to prevent experiencing excessive restlessness at your destination due to the time zone change. Try to go to bed one or two hours earlier than usual if you are traveling to the east. Also, move your sleep time back by 1 or 1.5 hours if you want to fly west, such as from Canada to India flights. You may overcome a significant time zone difference by making these minor adjustments. Therefore, start preparing before your trip takes off by adjusting your watch to your destination time zone as soon as possible. This will help you avoid or recover from jet lag.

  • Avoid alcohol before bed and during the trip.

Avoid alcohol before bed and during the trip.
Just keep in mind that drinking alcohol on the plane or once you are at your destination won’t make your sleep problems go away; rather, it will make them worse. We know you’re dying to have that special glass of wine on the plane, but doing so can keep you from sleeping. It disrupts your body’s natural sleep cycles, which makes it extra harder for you to achieve a restful night’s sleep even after having the best deals on flight tickets. So, avoid drinking alcohol during the journey and once you are home if you don’t want to face any big complications.

Some Frequently Asked Questions concerning Jet Lag:

Q: How long does it typically take to get over jet lag?
Ans: After arriving at their location, many travelers report feeling better within one to two days. However, some people could need more time, roughly one week to go back to normal.

Q: What is the sensation of jet lag?
Ans: One experiences drowsiness, irritability, and fatigue during jet lag.

Q: Does aging make jet lag worse?
Ans: Generally speaking, food intake and sunlight are the two main things that affect our body’s clock. However, some sources claim that as people age, jet lag seems to worsen. Every birthday after that causes a person’s circadian rhythm to weaken.

We hope that you have found this article beneficial to getting over jet lag.


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